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Sometimes God starts to prepare you in advance for change, starting to slowly stir your heart long before it comes to fruition.

Over the past few years, my husband, Jordan, and I had a sense that something was shifting, that God was stirring us for something new. Yet we didn’t know what this ‘something’ was and so for a couple of years we had written on our Fasting Week and 40 Days of Answered Prayer cards something general like “next steps”. There were a few things throughout the years we thought it might be but nothing quite seemed to match up or work out. This was until the summer of 2022 during the Re:Hope Southside missions trip to the Isle of Skye.

We had always felt God speak clearly that one day Jordan would be involved in ministry full time, that his role as a teacher wouldn’t be forever, and since having our honeymoon on the Isle of Skye, we have had a special place in our hearts for the island. We have loved going there on holiday whenever we could and in more recent years had the privilege of partnering with local churches in both Portree and Dunvegan, starting to see what God is doing on the island.

During the missions week in August 2022 we started hearing about how Skye Bible Church in Portree was coming into a time of transition and was going to be looking for a new pastor. Everyone jokingly suggested it could be Jordan. But as the week went on, we began to hear God clearly but gently reveal that actually yes, it could be Jordan. Through various prophetic words, dreams and nudgings in our own hearts God began to reveal that the call we believed was on Jordan’s life to step into full time ministry was also aligning with our heart for Skye. That week the Lord spoke so clearly to both of us, individually and as a couple, and we knew that we needed to explore what this could mean.

Through the last year we have then been discerning alongside the leadership team in Skye Bible Church if this is what God has in store. We have also been looking at what moving to Skye would mean for us and how this would look for my role here at Re:Hope.

Fast forward to the present and we can say that there have been countless answers to prayer — and at the end of September we will officially be moving to the Isle of Skye (!!). Jordan has been appointed Skye Bible Church’s next pastor, we have sold our house in Glasgow and had an offer accepted on a house on Skye. Thankfully I will also still be a part of Re:Hope and be continuing in my role remotely.

Proverbs 16:9 says that “a person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” I can confidently say that the Lord has determined these steps and each time He revealed just enough for us to take the next step forward.


Abi Bull

Re:Hope Southside


Use Abi’s story to fuel your faith today as you bring God personal prayers for your future; immediate next steps, as well as what will come together further down the line!

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