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DAY 40

Today is the final day of our 40 days of prayer season and so I want to leave you with 5 encouragements connected to what to do now.

1. Keep going with helpful new rhythms.

40 days is enough to establish new rhythms and habits. What were the extra things that you found most helpful? Did you enjoy the 8am prayer calls? They continue year-round 5 days a week. Did you find yourself enjoying a specific prayer time? Consider keeping with that new time if it worked for you and you enjoyed it. Have you been journaling these past 40 days? Consider keeping going.

I’m not saying you ought to keep going with everything from this last season, but if there is something new that you particularly enjoyed or found helpful, consider incorporating it into your everyday life.

2. Keep praying for any remaining unanswered requests.

I’m sure there are things that you still want to see breakthrough in. I definitely have some of my requests that haven’t yet been answered. Let’s keep praying for our unanswered requests until God intervenes. According to Jesus’ parable about the persistent widow in Luke 18, we see that persistence in prayer is very powerful.

3. Keep alert and expectant for the answers still to come.

The reason we write down our prayer requests on our prayer cards is because we know how easy it is to pray for something for a while and then have that request fade to the background until we forget how much we prayed. And then God answers the prayer, and we don’t even notice. I encourage you to not forget about your requests and keep your eyes open expectantly for the time when God does finally answer. Keep these cards and review them from time to time.

4. Celebrate your answered prayers.

What prayers of yours has God answered? How are you going to celebrate the wonderful reality that God heard your request and granted it? Depending on your request, maybe you will go out to coffee or dinner with some friends to celebrate. Or maybe you will celebrate by having some people over. I know God loves it when we celebrate Him and the good things He does for us. How are you going to celebrate?

5. Talk about the good things God has done for you.

Every Sunday we have a time where you can testify about your answered prayers. I know I have been encouraged by all the answered prayers I have read on this blog for the last 40 days. There is something special about testifying about specific ways God answers prayer that encourages others to pray with more hope and more faith. Not to mention how much God loves to be praised for the good things he does for us.

I hope you have enjoyed this intentional season of seeking God’s help and breakthroughs and guidance. If He has not answered you yet, may God quickly answer all the rest of your prayers.


Brian Ingraham

Re:Hope Church


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