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Day 12 BONUS

I have been aware of God’s hand over my career since before I qualified as a doctor twelve years ago. He has guided me into a specialty that brings me so much joy despite its challenges. He has closed doors very clearly, prompting me to turn down training jobs at various stages. My colleagues have at times been baffled at my decision making, but it has always ended up being for my good and God’s perfect timing has been clear. 

I am at the stage where I start thinking about where I might eventually be able to apply for a consultant post, which can be surprisingly difficult, and this week God reminded me He still cares about my working life. 

I was asked to help provide some induction for new doctors, and although this was due to take place on a day I don’t normally work, I felt a strong sense that I should do it. A kind friend offered to help with childcare and I headed in with my slideshow full of memes. 

Whilst there I ended up having a conversation with a consultant colleague where we joked that I would take over her job when she moves on to new things in a few years. This is a job I had an inexplicable feeling I would end up doing about 3 years ago, and that sense has never left me. I have absolutely no reason to assume I will get this job, and I’m under no illusion it’s a done deal, but this conversation gave me a glimpse that it might actually be possible after all. 

However things work out for me, I know for sure that God will lead me there clearly. If He keeps this door open I know I can praise Him — and if He closes the door it will be because He has something even better, and I can still praise Him!


Kim Herbert

Re:Hope Southside


Have you seen any signs of what God is doing in response to your prayers so far? Take note of the beginnings, even if you’re not sure how things will go. Give thanks to Him for the ways He is at work and will lead you forward!

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